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How many 4k TV (Ultra HD TV) units will be sold in 2016?

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  • Helene Meier, Prediki Support
    Modification proposal 3 accepted on 2016/06/24 06:02:46

    Improved rule.

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    How many 4k TV (Ultra HD TV) units will be sold in 2016?
    Judgement rule
    This question shall be judged by the 4k TV units sold worldwide in the calendar year 2016 as reported by a statista.com market research report.
    This question shall be judged by the 4k TV units sold worldwide in the calendar year 2016 as reported by market research report form a reputable and competent source.
    Question type
    Ordered answer scale
    • 1. (11.11%) Up to 30 million
    • 2. (11.11%) 30 - 40 million
    • 3. (11.11%) 40 - 45 million
    • 4. (11.11%) 45 - 50 million
    • 5. (11.11%) 50 - 55 million
    • 6. (11.11%) 55 - 60 million
    • 7. (11.11%) 60 - 65 million
    • 8. (11.11%) 65 - 75 million
    • 9. (11.11%) More than 75 million
    Time zone
    Reference date:
    2016/12/31 24:00
    Result expected on
    2017/03/31 24:00
    Trading session (optional):
  • Helene Meier, Prediki Support
    Modification proposal 2 accepted on 2016/06/24 06:01:16

    Improved question design.

    Profile picture
    or cancel

    How many 4k TV (Ultra HD TV) units will be sold in 2016?
    Judgement rule
    This question shall be judged by the 4k TV units sold worldwide in the calendar year 2016 as reported by a statista.com market research report.
    Question type
    Ordered answer scale
    • 1. up to 40 Mill. (11.11%) Up to 30 million New colour
    • 2. 40 - 45 Mill. (11.11%) 30 - 40 million
    • 3. 45 - 50 Mill. (11.11%) 40 - 45 million New colour
    • 4. 50 - 55 Mill. (11.11%) 45 - 50 million New colour
    • 5. 55 - 60 Mill (11.11%) 50 - 55 million New colour
    • 6. more than 60 Mill. (11.11%) 55 - 60 million
    • 7. (11.11%) 60 - 65 million
    • 8. (11.11%) 65 - 75 million
    • 9. (11.11%) More than 75 million
    Time zone
    Reference date:
    2016/12/31 24:00
    Result expected on
    2017/03/31 24:00
    Trading session (optional):
  • New question proposed accepted on 2016/06/04 20:57:59
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    or cancel

    How many 4k TV (Ultra HD TV) units will be sold in 2016?
    Judgement rule
    This question shall be judged by the 4k TV units sold worldwide in the calendar year 2016 as reported by a statista.com market research report.
    Question type
    Ordered answer scale
    • 1. (16.67%) up to 40 Mill.
    • 2. (16.67%) 40 - 45 Mill.
    • 3. (16.67%) 45 - 50 Mill.
    • 4. (16.67%) 50 - 55 Mill.
    • 5. (16.67%) 55 - 60 Mill
    • 6. (16.67%) more than 60 Mill.
    Time zone
    Reference date:
    2016/12/31 24:00
    Result expected on
    2017/03/31 24:00
    Trading session (optional):