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The ESOMAR Global Market Research Report of 2020

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ESOMAR Congress 2016 - Copyright: Credit: ESOMAR


This project crowdsources forecasts and insights for the future condition of the market research industry in 2020.

Following its launch on the Prediction Wall at the ESOMAR Annual Congress 2016 in New Orleans, initial participants are Congress attendees and viewers of ESOMAR TV, the interactive live broadcast.

The study uses the ESOMAR Global Market Research Report 2016 (GMR) and the ESOMAR Global Prices Study 2016 (GPS) for reference information. Qualitative and quantitative reports will be available for ESOMAR members and active market participants.


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The ESOMAR Congress Prediction Prize

Moet Chandon - Copyright: Fair Use

While we will know the final winner only in 2020, there was a Congress Prize: a bottle of Moet Chandon champagne. Each credit cent earned during the Congress days gave one ticket to the lottery. Based on the lottery tickets as of Wednesday 21st September, 11:00 AM local time (16:00 UTC), the winning ticket #2 239 149 was held by Massimo Cealti from France. Congratulations Massimo, and enjoy!

Post-Congress Tracking Market

The market will be kept open for another two weeks after the 2016 Congress to give everybody a chance to participate. We envisage a periodic reopening of the market to ensure frequently up-to-date forecasts.

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