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Regulations comprise all rules regarding the practical application of Prediki. Regulations supplement the legal terms. Initially these rules will be set by Prediki in good faith with due regard to the interests of all users. After an ini...

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Areas of regulation

  1. Basic principles
    1. Neutrality requires that all written information on Prediki is phrased and presented in a fair and unbiased way. (This rule includes question titles, answer options, judgement rules, analysis articles, as well as topics, and their articles.)
    2. Objectivity is ensured on Prediki by the requirement that the ultimate result of a question must always be a measurable or observable even.
    3. Democracy means that on Prediki, differing opinions and interests can and should always be expressed. (Subjective assessments will be objectivised via Prediki's prediction trading mechanism. For new rules and rulings, Prediki determines a sustainable consensus through its two-stage support and voting system.)
  2. Registration
    1. Users should not register more than once and should use their real name as a user name.
    2. In exceptional cases a pen name (pseudonym) is acceptable.
    3. Double registration may be permissible in exceptional cases, e.g. once as a private person and once in a professional capacity, but must be notified to Prediki. It is strictly forbidden that a user then trade in any single question under these different identities.
  3. Trading
    1. Traders must not act in collusion to manipulate prices or to defraud incentive shares.
  4. Questions
    1. Uniqueness requires that no question be asked twice.
    2. The final result which a question refers to must be clearly specified without leaving ambiguity.
    3. A question requires support to become actively tradable.
  5. Answers
    1. The entirety of answers should cover all potential outcomes.
    2. Answers should be exclusive.
    3. The only exception is a "dead heat" (where two or more answers can eventuate concurrently). Preferrably, a dead heat scenario should be covered by an explicit answer option.
    4. If an answer option is a range, its upper boundary is included, while its lower boundary is excluded.
  6. Judgement rules
    1. A judgement rules must not be inconsistent with the question title.
  7. Results
    1. A result must be empirically visible or measurable.
    2. A result proposal needs support before going to voting.
  8. Topics
    1. A question should not be assigned more topics than absolutely necessary.
  9. Supporting
    1. The time window for support is 72 hours. Without support any proposal is declined.
    2. A proposal for a new question needs three supporters for admission to trading.
    3. A proposal for a modification or a result needs three supporters to commence voting.
  10. Voting
    1. The time window for voting is 72 hours.
    2. At the end, if a relative majority votes for a proposal, it is accepted.
    3. If an absolute majority is reached before then, the proposal is accepted immediately.
  11. Sponsoring
    1. Until an incentive is fully paid, it is not in force and visible to other users.
  12. Settlement of incentives
    1. The democratically determined final result of a question is irrevocably valid.


2 years, 4 months ago
6 years, 2 months ago
11 years, 4 months ago
11 years, 4 months ago
11 years, 4 months ago
11 years, 6 months ago

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