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Answers describe all possible real outcomes of a question.

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Answer requirements

Correctly defined answer options for prediction questions must fulfil the following requirements:

  1. Answers must not leave out any potential outcomes (completeness principle)
  2. Answers must specify outcomes which are - at least potentially - verifiable (falsifiability principle)

Entry sequence

Enter the answer options in ascending order, i.e. the lowest first. Note that the trend chart will be displayed in descending order, with the highest value on top.



  • Q: Will the India National Congress return to power in India in the general elections of 2019?
    • A1: Yes - Due to strong anti-establishment factors
    • A2: No - Due to development initiatives by the current govt.


  • Q: Will the India National Congress return to power in India in the general elections of 2019?
    • A1: Yes
    • A2: No


A1 and A2 violate requirements for a valid answer option definitions. It is not a verifiable fact why the India National Congress came to power, only that it came to power which violates requirement 2. Even if it were verifiable, the answer options violate requirement 1, as they leave out the many other reasons which may result in "Yes" or "No" outcomes.


7 years ago

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