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Price limit (trading)

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If you enter a maximum price, execution will not exceed your expected probability of an answer.

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Please enter a price limit to prevent buying an answer option at a higher price than its probability, which you believe in. Your order will automatically be executed only to such an extent that this limit is not exceeded.


You believe that an answer option has a likelihood of 25 %.Currently this answer is trading at 22 %. Therefore you want to buy.

Now you enter a high amount into the field "For" (Buy), e.g. 3,000 Credits. The system will show you immediately at which maximum price this amount could be executed, e.g. up to a price of 26%.

As this price is too high, you simply limit your order by entering 25 % into the field price limit. When you then click "Execute" (the green button) the system will execute this limit order automatically only partially until the price limit has been reached. In this example the execution (purchase) could amount to e.g. 2,134 Credits. After this transaction, the current system price will be 25 %.