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Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % Action User IP (masked)
2014/01/11 06:04:13 S It will rise at a rate above the UK inflation rate -42,352.86 - -42,352.86 100.00 Final settlement Paul Moffat
2014/01/11 06:04:13 S It will rise at a rate above the UK inflation rate -23,376.75 - -23,376.75 100.00 Final settlement Lisa Weeks
2014/01/11 06:04:13 S It will rise at a rate above the UK inflation rate - 0.00 -23.57 100.00 Final settlement Jayme Mercer
2014/01/11 06:04:13 S It will rise at a rate above the UK inflation rate -36,497.37 - -36,497.37 100.00 Final settlement Florian Harth
2014/01/11 06:04:13 S It will rise in line with the UK inflation rate 0.00 - -514.46 0.00 Final settlement Yvette Ceaton
2014/01/11 06:04:13 S It will rise in line with the UK inflation rate 0.00 - -97.93 0.00 Final settlement Jayme Mercer
2014/01/11 06:04:13 S It will rise in line with the UK inflation rate 0.00 - -566.96 0.00 Final settlement Wes Blackwell
2014/01/11 06:04:13 S It will rise in line with the UK inflation rate 0.00 - -437.76 0.00 Final settlement Sabrine Poulson
2014/01/11 06:04:13 S It will increase less than the UK inflation rate 0.00 - -30,560.99 0.00 Final settlement John Symons
2014/01/11 06:04:13 S It will increase less than the UK inflation rate 0.00 - -100.05 0.00 Final settlement Simon Maxwell
2014/01/11 06:04:13 S It will increase less than the UK inflation rate 0.00 - -95.58 0.00 Final settlement Jayme Mercer
2014/01/11 06:04:13 S It will not change 0.00 - -45,313.68 0.00 Final settlement Carina Weeks
2014/01/11 06:04:13 S It will not change 0.00 - -216.07 0.00 Final settlement Yvette Ceaton
2014/01/11 06:04:13 S It will not change - -29.92 -29.92 0.00 Final settlement Jayme Mercer
2014/01/11 06:04:13 S It will not change 0.00 - -21.38 0.00 Final settlement ellen smyth
2014/01/11 06:04:13 S It will not change 0.00 - -4.32 0.00 Final settlement Iain M.
2014/01/11 06:04:12 S It will decrease - -20.52 -20.52 0.00 Final settlement Jayme Mercer
2014/01/11 06:04:12 S It will decrease 0.00 - -57.75 0.00 Final settlement ellen smyth
2014/01/08 10:48:57 T It will increase less than the UK inflation rate -3,582.01 - 18,964.18 18.89 Sold Benedikt Breinbauer q3WlFGls
2014/01/08 10:48:54 T It will not change -6,297.18 - 28,526.13 22.08 Sold Benedikt Breinbauer q3WlFGls
2014/01/08 05:17:28 T It will rise at a rate above the UK inflation rate 7,500.00 - 24,608.05 30.48 Bought Florian Harth q3WlFGls
2013/12/22 06:23:17 T It will rise at a rate above the UK inflation rate 10,000.00 - 42,352.86 23.61 Bought Paul Moffat m91prD3x
2013/12/22 06:22:57 T It will increase less than the UK inflation rate -11,502.94 - 42,200.73 27.26 Sold Paul Moffat m91prD3x
2013/12/22 04:22:07 T It will not change 10,000.00 - 45,313.68 22.07 Bought Carina Weeks 7Txz5Qn0
2013/12/19 18:54:35 T It will increase less than the UK inflation rate 9,712.41 - 30,560.99 31.78 Bought John Symons dcu0Uou2
2013/12/19 18:54:07 T It will rise in line with the UK inflation rate -1,712.57 - 10,795.32 15.86 Sold John Symons dcu0Uou2
2013/12/19 09:37:10 T It will increase less than the UK inflation rate 9,999.00 - 42,200.73 23.69 Bought Paul Moffat m91prD3x
2013/12/19 04:30:37 T It will rise at a rate above the UK inflation rate 5,000.00 - 23,376.75 21.39 Bought Lisa Weeks kRKPSlMe
2013/12/19 02:54:20 T It will rise in line with the UK inflation rate 100.00 - 514.46 19.44 Bought Yvette Ceaton g#cXovKQ
2013/12/19 02:49:52 T It will not change 50.00 - 216.07 23.14 Bought Yvette Ceaton g#cXovKQ
2013/12/19 00:05:17 T It will increase less than the UK inflation rate 20.95 - 100.05 20.94 Bought Simon Maxwell tma36QFX
2013/12/18 22:00:50 T It will rise at a rate above the UK inflation rate - 19.00 23.57 19.41 Bought Jayme Mercer gF2otKCd
2013/12/18 22:00:40 T It will rise in line with the UK inflation rate 19.00 - 97.93 19.40 Bought Jayme Mercer gF2otKCd
2013/12/18 22:00:31 T It will not change - 23.00 29.92 23.13 Bought Jayme Mercer gF2otKCd
2013/12/18 22:00:24 T It will increase less than the UK inflation rate 20.00 - 95.58 20.92 Bought Jayme Mercer gF2otKCd
2013/12/18 22:00:13 T It will decrease - 17.00 20.52 17.14 Bought Jayme Mercer gF2otKCd
2013/12/18 20:20:43 T It will not change 1.00 - 4.32 23.14 Bought Iain M. Cc9wHnbv
2013/12/18 20:15:55 T It will rise in line with the UK inflation rate 1,000.16 - 5,273.52 18.97 Bought John Symons dcu0Uou2
2013/12/18 20:12:31 T It will not change 5.00 - 21.38 23.38 Bought ellen smyth Re57xKgd
2013/12/18 20:12:07 T It will decrease 10.00 - 57.75 17.32 Bought ellen smyth Re57xKgd
2013/12/18 20:09:40 T It will rise in line with the UK inflation rate 1,000.00 - 5,521.79 18.11 Bought John Symons dcu0Uou2
2013/12/18 14:54:46 T It will rise in line with the UK inflation rate 100.00 - 566.96 17.64 Bought Wes Blackwell idlMkW9u
2013/12/17 03:06:43 T It will not change 6,014.56 - 28,526.13 21.08 Bought Benedikt Breinbauer ELRGUoeA
2013/12/17 03:06:38 T It will increase less than the UK inflation rate 4,000.00 - 18,964.18 21.09 Bought Benedikt Breinbauer ELRGUoeA
2013/12/17 03:06:27 T It will rise in line with the UK inflation rate -4,014.56 - 18,948.71 21.19 Sold Benedikt Breinbauer ELRGUoeA
2013/12/17 03:06:25 T It will increase less than the UK inflation rate -6,000.00 - 28,468.33 21.08 Sold Benedikt Breinbauer ELRGUoeA
2013/12/17 03:06:20 T It will increase less than the UK inflation rate 6,000.00 - 28,468.33 21.08 Bought Benedikt Breinbauer ELRGUoeA
2013/12/17 03:06:04 T It will rise at a rate above the UK inflation rate -2,000.00 - 9,107.07 21.96 Sold Benedikt Breinbauer ELRGUoeA
2013/12/17 03:00:40 T It will rise at a rate above the UK inflation rate 2,000.00 - 9,107.07 21.96 Bought Benedikt Breinbauer ELRGUoeA
2013/12/16 09:38:58 T It will rise in line with the UK inflation rate 99.00 - 433.37 22.84 Bought Sabrine Poulson aSbg83xg
2013/12/16 09:38:45 T It will rise in line with the UK inflation rate 0.50 - 2.19 22.80 Bought Sabrine Poulson aSbg83xg
2013/12/16 09:25:13 T It will rise in line with the UK inflation rate 0.49 - 2.15 22.80 Bought Sabrine Poulson aSbg83xg
2013/12/16 09:22:40 T It will rise in line with the UK inflation rate 0.01 - 0.04 22.80 Bought Sabrine Poulson aSbg83xg
2013/12/16 06:09:25 T It will rise in line with the UK inflation rate 4,000.00 - 18,948.71 21.11 Bought Benedikt Breinbauer q3WlFGls
2013/12/16 06:09:04 T It will rise in line with the UK inflation rate -4,000.00 - 18,948.71 21.11 Sold Benedikt Breinbauer q3WlFGls
2013/12/16 06:06:24 T It will rise in line with the UK inflation rate 4,000.00 - 18,948.71 21.11 Bought Benedikt Breinbauer q3WlFGls
2013/12/16 04:36:09 T It will rise at a rate above the UK inflation rate 2,500.00 - 11,889.32 21.03 Bought Florian Harth T9PtffnO
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement
Timestamp It will decrease It will not change It will increase less than the UK inflation rate It will rise in line with the UK inflation rate It will rise at a rate above the UK inflation rate
2014/01/08 10:48:57 12.58 20.32 17.39 12.79 36.92
2014/01/08 10:48:54 12.12 19.57 20.45 12.32 35.55
2014/01/08 05:17:28 11.34 24.73 19.14 11.53 33.27
2013/12/22 06:23:17 12.27 26.76 20.71 12.48 27.78
2013/12/22 06:22:57 13.63 29.74 23.01 13.86 19.76
2013/12/22 04:22:07 12.08 26.34 31.80 12.28 17.50
2013/12/19 18:54:35 13.42 18.16 35.33 13.64 19.45
2013/12/19 18:54:07 14.87 20.11 28.36 15.11 21.54
2013/12/19 09:37:10 14.60 19.75 27.86 16.63 21.16
2013/12/19 04:30:37 16.22 21.95 19.84 18.48 23.51
2013/12/19 02:54:20 17.10 23.14 20.92 19.48 19.37
2013/12/19 02:49:52 17.12 23.16 20.94 19.40 19.39
2013/12/19 00:05:17 17.13 23.12 20.95 19.41 19.40
2013/12/18 22:00:50 17.13 23.13 20.93 19.41 19.40
2013/12/18 22:00:40 17.13 23.12 20.93 19.41 19.41
2013/12/18 22:00:31 17.13 23.13 20.93 19.39 19.41
2013/12/18 22:00:24 17.13 23.13 20.93 19.39 19.41
2013/12/18 22:00:13 17.13 23.14 20.92 19.40 19.41
2013/12/18 20:20:43 17.14 23.14 20.92 19.39 19.41
2013/12/18 20:15:55 17.14 23.14 20.92 19.40 19.41
2013/12/18 20:12:31 17.32 23.38 21.14 18.54 19.62
2013/12/18 20:12:07 17.32 23.38 21.14 18.54 19.62
2013/12/18 20:09:40 17.31 23.38 21.14 18.54 19.62
2013/12/18 14:54:46 17.50 23.63 21.36 17.68 19.83
2013/12/17 03:06:43 17.51 23.65 21.39 17.59 19.85
2013/12/17 03:06:38 18.66 18.66 22.79 18.75 21.15
2013/12/17 03:06:27 19.46 19.46 19.46 19.55 22.06
2013/12/17 03:06:25 18.66 18.66 18.66 22.88 21.15
2013/12/17 03:06:20 17.51 17.51 23.64 21.48 19.85
2013/12/17 03:06:04 18.66 18.66 18.66 22.88 21.15
2013/12/17 03:00:40 18.27 18.27 18.27 22.41 22.79
2013/12/16 09:38:58 18.66 18.66 18.66 22.88 21.15
2013/12/16 09:38:45 18.68 18.68 18.68 22.80 21.17
2013/12/16 09:25:13 18.68 18.68 18.68 22.80 21.17
2013/12/16 09:22:40 18.68 18.68 18.68 22.80 21.17
2013/12/16 06:09:25 18.68 18.68 18.68 22.80 21.17
2013/12/16 06:09:04 19.48 19.48 19.48 19.48 22.08
2013/12/16 06:06:24 18.68 18.68 18.68 22.80 21.17
2013/12/16 04:36:09 19.48 19.48 19.48 19.48 22.08
2013/12/13 09:53:40 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00