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How much rewards in USD will be given out to the WINGS (https://wings.ai) community in 2019?

Transaction logbook for Budhi Rahmad Suparno

Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % Action IP (masked)
2019/12/31 05:27:06 S $100,000,000 -1,000.00 - -8,285.45 12.07 Final settlement
2019/12/31 05:27:06 S $10,000,000 -1,000.00 - -8,202.26 12.19 Final settlement
2019/12/31 05:27:06 S $1,000,000 -1,000.00 - -8,119.87 12.32 Final settlement
2019/12/31 05:27:06 S $100,000 -1,000.00 - -8,038.27 12.44 Final settlement
2019/12/31 05:27:06 S $10000 -1,000.00 - -7,957.46 12.57 Final settlement
2019/12/31 05:27:06 S $1000 -1,000.00 - -7,877.42 12.69 Final settlement
2019/12/31 05:27:06 S $100 -1,000.00 - -7,798.16 12.82 Final settlement
2019/12/31 05:27:06 S $0 -1,000.00 - -7,719.67 12.95 Final settlement
2019/06/01 19:13:40 T $100,000,000 1,000.00 - 8,285.45 12.07 Bought 736fbef9
2019/06/01 19:13:32 T $10,000,000 1,000.00 - 8,202.26 12.19 Bought 736fbef9
2019/06/01 19:13:25 T $1,000,000 1,000.00 - 8,119.87 12.32 Bought 736fbef9
2019/06/01 19:13:18 T $100,000 1,000.00 - 8,038.27 12.44 Bought 736fbef9
2019/06/01 19:13:11 T $10000 1,000.00 - 7,957.46 12.57 Bought 736fbef9
2019/06/01 19:13:00 T $1000 1,000.00 - 7,877.42 12.69 Bought 736fbef9
2019/06/01 19:12:53 T $100 1,000.00 - 7,798.16 12.82 Bought 736fbef9
2019/06/01 19:12:45 T $0 1,000.00 - 7,719.67 12.95 Bought 736fbef9
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement