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Is there a cryptocurrency bubble building in 2017 and by when will it burst?

Settlement proposals

Please check if any final result proposed here has really happened. Is there a reliable source for this information? Is the proposed cut-off date before the time when the final result became certain beyond reasonable doubt? Did the trader proposing the final result refrain from cheating with quick last trades? If these checks are positive, please vote "Yes" for settlement else "No".
§ Judgement rule
Early 2017 saw a huge rise in the total market capitalisation of several cryprocurrencies. New highs following one after the other. A decrease of 30% of total market cap from any all time high reached during 2017 shall be defined as a bubble. The day on which the threshold is reached defines the quarter in which the bubble burst. Measure is the total market capitalization, as defined on https://coinmarketcap.com/charts
Reference date: Dec. 31, 2017, 24:00 CET
  • Hubertus Hofkirchner, Chief Futurist
    Proposed result 2 accepted on 2017/05/30 06:06:26

    Proposed result:
    By 30 June 2017 (before Summer)
    Trading cut-off:
    2017/05/27 02:07:00
    The source as per the judgement rule hat an all time high on 24 May at 13:02 UTC of $91.292 billion. A 30% decrease sets a threshold of $93.9 billion. That value was broken at 06:07 UTC this morning, therefore this must also be the cut-off for predictions. I will put a jpg in the wiki for proof. https://coinmarketcap.com/charts ...more
    • Hubertus Hofkirchner, Chief Futurist

      Sorry, typing mistake: The -30% event threshold is of course $63.9 billion not $93.9. At 06:07 UTC total market cap fell to $63.5 billion triggering the judgement, at 06:32 market cap reached even a daily low at $61.98 billion, well below the threshold. The cut-off must be 06:07 UTC (= 08:07 Rome/Vienna). Please support this result, keeping in mind that all result proposals by all participants must adhere to the Regulations.

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  • Proposed result 1 declined on 2017/05/30 04:55:37

    Proposed result:
    By 30 June 2017 (before Summer)
    Trading cut-off:
    2017/05/27 04:55:00
    • Hubertus Hofkirchner, Chief Futurist

      Protest: This result proposal is wrong. The event was already a certainty this morning at 06:07 UTC (8:07 Rome). Any transactions after that must be ignored by cut-off for a fair game. I will enter a new result above with the correct time when the final result became known.

    • Roland Kofler
      Topic Management


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