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Trump: What percentage of delegates will nominate Donald Trump at the 2016 Republican National Convention?

Transaction logbook for Nancy Tefertiller

Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % Action IP (masked)
2016/08/14 10:50:29 S 40 to 50% 0.00 - -19,900.51 0.00 Final settlement
2016/08/14 10:50:29 R 30 to 40% -4,048.49 - -11,103.11 36.46 Reversed purchase 5uw3XHQQ
2016/08/13 23:57:52 T 30 to 40% 4,048.49 - 11,103.11 36.46 Bought 5uw3XHQQ
2016/08/14 10:50:29 R 30 to 40% 4,048.49 - -11,103.12 36.46 Reversal sale 5uw3XHQQ
2016/08/13 23:57:15 T 30 to 40% -4,048.49 - 11,103.12 36.46 Sold 5uw3XHQQ
2016/08/14 10:50:29 R 30 to 40% -3,251.85 - -11,103.12 29.29 Reversed purchase 5uw3XHQQ
2016/07/28 06:51:30 T 30 to 40% 3,251.85 - 11,103.12 29.29 Bought 5uw3XHQQ
2016/08/14 10:50:29 R 40 to 50% 3,251.85 - -19,900.51 16.34 Reversal sale 5uw3XHQQ
2016/07/28 06:51:07 T 40 to 50% -3,251.85 - 19,900.51 16.34 Sold 5uw3XHQQ
2016/07/13 05:36:17 T 40 to 50% 4,167.25 - 19,900.51 20.94 Bought xEFOa3H4
2016/07/13 05:35:05 T 30 to 40% -4,167.25 - 19,929.99 20.91 Sold xEFOa3H4
2016/07/09 22:23:21 T 30 to 40% 4,682.77 - 19,929.99 23.50 Bought xEFOa3H4
2016/07/09 22:22:59 T 40 to 50% -4,682.77 - 14,963.27 31.30 Sold xEFOa3H4
2016/06/10 01:25:06 T 40 to 50% 6,910.38 - 14,963.27 46.18 Bought xEFOa3H4
2016/06/10 01:23:49 T 70 to 80% -6,909.96 - 126,779.12 5.45 Sold xEFOa3H4
2016/06/02 03:34:00 T 70 to 80% 6,890.82 - 126,779.12 5.44 Bought xEFOa3H4
2016/06/02 03:33:40 T More than 90% -6,890.82 - 82,415.59 8.36 Sold xEFOa3H4
2016/05/17 01:21:23 T More than 90% 7,970.97 - 82,415.59 9.67 Bought xEFOa3H4
2016/05/17 01:20:46 T 50 to 60% -7,971.39 - 36,595.41 21.78 Sold xEFOa3H4
2016/05/17 01:02:38 T 50 to 60% 7,971.39 - 36,595.41 21.78 Bought xEFOa3H4
2016/05/17 01:01:47 T 40 to 50% -7,969.17 - 17,265.81 46.16 Sold xEFOa3H4
2016/05/13 08:04:11 T 40 to 50% 9,997.78 - 17,265.81 57.91 Bought xEFOa3H4
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement