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What price will the base model Google Glass retail for in USD?

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[Pricing for early adopters? Pricing for mass market?]

Recent developments

Google expects the device to go into mass market production by the end of 2013 with a retail price of under $1500. [1] According to Jason Tsai, researcher at Topology Research Institute, Google Glass could retail for $299. [3]

  1. Google publishes new Glass 'how to' video - PC World Australia, 1 May, 2013
  2. Google Glass Videos Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9c6W4CCU9M4 - Google YouTube Channel
  3. Google Glass likely to be priced at US$299: researcher Link: http://www.chinapost.com.tw/business/company-focus/2013/08/08/385842/Google-Glass.htm - The China Post, August 8 2013
  4. Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9c6W4CCU9M4