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Transactions by Travelling Salesman

Amounts in Credits
Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % P&L (in Credits)
Total 5,084.00 446.48 -5,530.48
2020/12/30 10:58:53   T No restrictions 1,000.00 - 3,938.30 25.39 -1,000.00
2020/12/30 11:01:10   T No restrictions 9,000.00 - 30,118.77 29.88 -9,000.00
2020/12/30 11:16:23   T No restrictions -4,916.00 - -15,806.03 31.10 +4,916.00
2020/12/30 11:16:39   T Complete curfew (00:00 hrs - 23:59 hrs, 1st Jan 2021) - 2,100.00 -2,653.53 20.86 -2,100.00
2020/12/30 11:16:47   T Partial Curfew (crufew for specific hours during the day) - 1,000.00 -1,311.10 23.73 -1,000.00
2021/01/02 13:20:13   T No restrictions -4,939.44 - -18,251.03 27.06 +4,939.44
2021/01/02 14:21:09   R No restrictions 4,939.44 - -18,251.03 27.06 -4,939.44
2021/01/02 14:21:09   S Complete curfew (00:00 hrs - 23:59 hrs, 1st Jan 2021) - -2,653.52 2,653.53 0.00 +2,653.52
2021/01/02 14:21:09   S Partial Curfew (crufew for specific hours during the day) - 0.00 1,311.10 100.00 +0.00
2021/01/02 14:21:09   S No restrictions 0.00 - -18,251.03 0.00 +0.00
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement