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Transactions by Hubertus Hofkirchner

Amounts in Credits
Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % P&L (in Credits)
Total 7,195.54 0.00 -7,195.54
2021/01/07 04:36:24   T 175m to 200m TH/s 2,000.00 - 12,600.16 15.87 -2,000.00
2021/01/07 04:36:44   T 200m to 250m TH/s 500.00 - 3,353.36 14.91 -500.00
2021/01/07 04:36:54   T 150m to 175m TH/s 700.00 - 4,691.07 14.92 -700.00
2021/01/07 04:39:45   T 200m to 250m TH/s -496.31 - -3,353.36 14.80 +496.31
2021/01/07 04:39:47   T 150m to 175m TH/s -703.68 - -4,691.07 15.00 +703.68
2021/01/07 04:39:49   T 175m to 200m TH/s -2,000.00 - -12,600.16 15.87 +2,000.00
2021/01/07 04:41:48   T 175m to 200m TH/s 2,000.00 - 12,600.16 15.87 -2,000.00
2021/01/07 04:41:51   T 150m to 175m TH/s 500.00 - 3,353.36 14.91 -500.00
2021/01/07 04:41:57   T 200m to 250m TH/s 500.00 - 3,370.76 14.83 -500.00
2021/05/01 11:47:32   T 150m to 175m TH/s -1,205.55 - -3,353.36 35.95 +1,205.55
2021/05/01 11:47:44   T 175m to 200m TH/s 750.46 - 6,904.30 10.87 -750.46
2021/05/01 11:47:52   T 200m to 250m TH/s 1,784.08 - 24,267.57 7.35 -1,784.08
2021/05/01 11:48:07   T 175m to 200m TH/s 2,037.64 - 17,066.34 11.94 -2,037.64
2021/05/14 09:46:01   T 200m to 250m TH/s 3,633.36 - 32,806.35 11.08 -3,633.36
2021/05/14 09:52:49   T 175m to 200m TH/s -930.78 - -4,016.82 23.17 +930.78
2021/05/14 09:52:54   T 200m to 250m TH/s 930.78 - 6,946.53 13.40 -930.78
2021/07/03 05:20:34   T 175m to 200m TH/s -6,639.46 - -32,553.98 20.40 +6,639.46
2021/07/03 05:20:38   T 200m to 250m TH/s -6,165.00 - -67,391.21 9.15 +6,165.00
2021/07/03 05:37:34   T 125m TH/s or less 5,000.00 - 38,012.86 13.15 -5,000.00
2021/07/03 05:37:39   T 125m to 150m TH/s 5,000.00 - 19,330.80 25.87 -5,000.00
2022/01/02 13:36:35   S 125m TH/s or less 0.00 - -38,012.86 0.00 +0.00
2022/01/02 13:36:35   S 125m to 150m TH/s 0.00 - -19,330.80 0.00 +0.00
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement