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Transactions by Tiffany Chriscoe

Amounts in Credits
Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % P&L (in Credits)
Total -25,848.22 0.00 +25,848.22
2020/11/12 01:06:11   T $15,000 to $19,783.06 8,821.94 - 19,966.61 44.18 -8,821.94
2020/11/12 23:58:32   T $15,000 to $19,783.06 -15,903.69 - -19,966.61 79.65 +15,903.69
2020/11/12 23:58:47   T More than $19,783.06 (new all-time high) 16,602.08 - 59,176.31 28.06 -16,602.08
2020/11/13 00:02:10   T More than $19,783.06 (new all-time high) -14,942.08 - -51,882.33 28.80 +14,942.08
2020/11/13 00:02:18   T More than $19,783.06 (new all-time high) -1,660.00 - -7,293.99 22.76 +1,660.00
2020/11/13 00:02:48   T $15,000 to $19,783.06 8,302.00 - 10,529.24 78.85 -8,302.00
2020/11/13 00:03:00   T More than $19,783.06 (new all-time high) 8,300.08 - 35,368.56 23.47 -8,300.08
2020/12/21 05:26:02   S $15,000 to $19,783.06 0.00 - -10,529.24 0.00 +0.00
2020/12/21 05:26:02   S More than $19,783.06 (new all-time high) -35,368.55 - -35,368.56 100.00 +35,368.55
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement