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Transactions by Florian Harth

Amounts in Credits
Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % P&L (in Credits)
Total -4,405.76 0.00 +4,405.76
2013/02/22 03:34:22   T Acquitted of all charges 5,000.00 - 23,258.40 21.50 -5,000.00
2013/02/22 03:36:20   T Manslaughter 2,500.00 - 11,369.55 21.99 -2,500.00
2013/05/06 16:16:34   T Murder 500.00 - 2,106.66 23.73 -500.00
2013/05/06 16:16:42   T Manslaughter 2,000.00 - 6,218.16 32.16 -2,000.00
2014/01/16 08:44:37   T Acquitted of all charges -8,079.39 - -23,258.40 34.74 +8,079.39
2014/04/17 03:07:05   T Premeditated murder 8,079.39 - 28,293.50 28.56 -8,079.39
2014/04/17 03:07:18   T Murder -409.92 - -2,106.66 19.46 +409.92
2014/04/17 03:07:35   T Manslaughter 409.92 - 1,536.61 26.68 -409.92
2014/09/11 03:00:16   T Premeditated murder -1,052.53 - -6,685.12 15.74 +1,052.53
2014/09/11 03:00:34   T Other conviction 500.00 - 11,934.11 4.19 -500.00
2014/09/11 03:00:39   T Acquitted of all charges 500.00 - 19,209.95 2.60 -500.00
2014/09/11 03:04:05   T Acquitted of all charges -499.00 - -19,167.49 2.60 +499.00
2014/09/11 03:05:42   T Other conviction -498.99 - -11,908.75 4.19 +498.99
2014/09/11 03:05:58   T Manslaughter -3,015.19 - -6,935.33 43.48 +3,015.19
2014/09/11 03:06:16   T Manslaughter 1,000.00 - 2,332.07 42.88 -1,000.00
2014/09/11 03:06:33   T Murder 3,065.71 - 8,564.45 35.80 -3,065.71
2014/09/11 03:09:28   T Premeditated murder -2,966.39 - -21,608.38 13.73 +2,966.39
2014/09/11 03:10:13   T Murder 1,835.33 - 4,754.85 38.60 -1,835.33
2014/09/11 03:10:17   T Manslaughter 1,131.06 - 2,651.86 42.65 -1,131.06
2014/09/11 06:47:50   T Manslaughter -7,006.17 - -17,172.92 40.80 +7,006.17
2014/09/11 06:47:58   T Murder -5,328.40 - -13,319.29 40.01 +5,328.40
2014/09/11 06:48:03   T Other conviction 12,334.57 - 134,497.30 9.17 -12,334.57
2014/10/23 03:19:49   T Other conviction -13,492.35 - -134,522.66 10.03 +13,492.35
2014/10/23 03:19:53   T Acquitted of all charges -0.81 - -42.46 1.91 +0.81
2014/10/23 03:20:00   T Manslaughter 13,493.16 - 14,405.76 93.67 -13,493.16
2014/10/24 17:24:05   S Manslaughter -14,405.76 - -14,405.76 100.00 +14,405.76
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement