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Transactions by Lucie P. Zemann

Amounts in Credits
Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % P&L (in Credits)
Total -11,895.62 -91.51 +11,987.13
2013/03/02 07:18:14   T Acquitted of all charges 1,000.00 - 6,104.31 16.38 -1,000.00
2013/03/02 07:18:25   T Other conviction 2,000.00 - 15,100.64 13.24 -2,000.00
2013/03/02 07:19:09   T Manslaughter 1,000.00 - 3,650.47 27.39 -1,000.00
2013/03/05 12:22:07   T Acquitted of all charges -725.61 - -3,575.98 20.29 +725.61
2013/03/19 11:27:59   T Manslaughter 2,000.00 - 7,321.88 27.32 -2,000.00
2013/03/21 12:55:12   T Other conviction -100.00 - -764.28 13.08 +100.00
2013/03/22 11:14:06   T Premeditated murder - 2,000.00 -2,298.86 13.00 -2,000.00
2014/09/13 02:55:14   T Acquitted of all charges -56.89 - -2,528.33 2.25 +56.89
2014/09/13 02:55:34   T Other conviction -2,398.98 - -14,336.36 16.73 +2,398.98
2014/09/13 02:55:46   T Manslaughter 5,251.40 - 7,897.91 66.49 -5,251.40
2014/09/13 02:56:03   T Premeditated murder - -2,091.51 2,298.86 9.02 +2,091.51
2014/09/13 02:56:25   T Manslaughter 2,078.66 - 3,073.94 67.62 -2,078.66
2014/10/24 17:24:05   S Manslaughter -21,944.20 - -21,944.20 100.00 +21,944.20
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement