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What will the exchange rate of US$ per Bitcoin be at the end of 2013?

Transaction logbook for Clemens Pleban

Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % Action IP (masked)
2014/01/10 05:20:02 S 200 US$ or more -8,788.39 - -8,788.39 100.00 Final settlement
2014/01/08 05:32:57 T 200 US$ or more 2,587.85 - 3,748.94 69.03 Bought #SE53Ea8
2014/01/08 05:32:51 T 150 to 200 US$ -1,182.95 - 17,696.91 6.68 Sold #SE53Ea8
2014/01/08 05:32:48 T 100 to 150 US$ -1,404.90 - 15,019.20 9.35 Sold #SE53Ea8
2013/10/08 04:22:48 T 100 to 150 US$ 3,059.45 - 10,685.55 28.63 Bought 6_jHmPEJ
2013/10/08 04:22:15 T 200 US$ or more -1,559.45 - 7,457.00 20.91 Sold 6_jHmPEJ
2013/05/02 01:53:26 T 100 to 150 US$ 500.00 - 4,333.65 11.54 Bought 6_jHmPEJ
2013/05/02 01:52:30 T 150 to 200 US$ 4,000.00 - 17,696.91 22.60 Bought 6_jHmPEJ
2013/05/02 01:52:24 T 200 US$ or more 4,000.00 - 12,496.45 32.01 Bought 6_jHmPEJ
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement