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What will the exchange rate of US$ per Bitcoin be at the end of 2013?

Transaction logbook for Peter Gollowitsch

Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % Action IP (masked)
2014/01/10 05:20:06 S 100 to 150 US$ 0.00 - -22,870.98 0.00 Final settlement
2014/01/10 05:20:05 S 150 to 200 US$ 0.00 - -12,910.90 0.00 Final settlement
2014/01/10 05:20:02 S 200 US$ or more -5,283.97 - -5,283.97 100.00 Final settlement
2013/11/19 05:43:15 T 200 US$ or more 341.00 - 659.47 51.71 Bought EkzQgh3b
2013/09/13 04:39:06 T 100 to 150 US$ 1,960.85 - 10,645.38 18.42 Bought bhyn#AVC
2013/09/13 04:39:00 T 150 to 200 US$ -2,435.28 - 13,966.21 17.44 Sold bhyn#AVC
2013/05/02 02:16:26 T 150 to 200 US$ 7,000.00 - 26,877.11 26.04 Bought IzL4q6dR
2013/05/02 02:16:16 T 100 to 150 US$ 1,500.00 - 12,225.60 12.27 Bought IzL4q6dR
2013/05/02 02:16:11 T 200 US$ or more 1,500.00 - 4,624.50 32.44 Bought IzL4q6dR
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement