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Which brands of shampoo will have grown the most in usage when UK respondents will be asked next year, in 2014?

Transaction logbook for Ace David Draheim WARNING!

Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % Action IP (masked)
2018/11/08 11:18:22 R Tresemme -10,000.00 - -138,682.62 7.21 Reversed purchase c544ac9b
2018/10/07 16:45:57 T Tresemme 10,000.00 - 138,682.62 7.21 Bought c544ac9b
2018/11/08 11:18:22 R Garnier 10,000.00 - -348,622.01 2.87 Reversal sale PyKlxLJ7
2017/06/25 00:09:02 T Garnier -10,000.00 - 348,622.01 2.87 Sold PyKlxLJ7
2018/11/08 11:18:22 R Garnier -10,000.00 - -348,622.01 2.87 Reversed purchase PyKlxLJ7
2017/06/24 23:30:44 T Garnier 10,000.00 - 348,622.01 2.87 Bought PyKlxLJ7
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement