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Which democratic candidate will be considered as most trustworthy by Americans?

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Please consider which of these democratic candidates U.S. voters (not you, personally!) will trust most, then do your trade. (Click the chart symbol on top to start trading.) Earn extra credits by sharing your thoughts about why American voters may or may not trust a particular candidate.

The candidates

There are three candidates for the Democratic Party.

Hillary ClintonBernie SandersMartin O'Malley
HRC in Iowa APR 2015.  - Copyright: Licensed under CC BY 2.0Bernie Sanders, September 2015 - Copyright: Miller Center. Licensed under CC BY 2.0Governor O'Malley Portrait - Copyright: MarylandGovPics. Licensed under CC BY 2.0

Final Settlement

The result of Globaltestmarket's survey regarding the trustworthiness of democratic presidential candidates are as follows:

Trustworthiness of Democratic Candidates - Copyright: Prediki