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Which movie will have the most successful opening weekend in Austria for W19/2018?

Transaction logbook for Gerhard H.

Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % Action IP (masked)
2018/05/24 05:18:37 S Rampage 0.00 - -9,158.13 0.00 Final settlement
2018/05/24 05:18:37 S Thelma 0.00 - -25,264.19 0.00 Final settlement
2018/05/24 05:18:37 S Liliane Susewind 0.00 - -29,816.98 0.00 Final settlement
2018/05/24 05:18:37 S I Feel Pretty 0.00 - -14,835.20 0.00 Final settlement
2018/05/11 08:23:02 T Rampage 4,000.00 - 9,158.13 43.68 Bought 1d51696e
2018/05/11 08:22:47 T Liliane Susewind 2,000.00 - 29,816.98 6.71 Bought 1d51696e
2018/05/11 08:21:45 T I Feel Pretty 2,000.00 - 14,835.20 13.48 Bought 1d51696e
2018/05/11 08:21:00 T Thelma 2,000.00 - 25,264.19 7.92 Bought 1d51696e
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement