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Which political party will win the 2013 Australian Federal election?

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    Modification proposal 1 accepted on 2013/06/13 04:27:06

    Election is to be held in 2013, typo.

    • Hubertus Hofkirchner, Chief Futurist

      I support the question specification from a technical point of view. However, I am unable to assume the official role as one of the three Supporters, as from Austria I cannot really contribute insights or help the question owner with promoting the forecast to participants via Australian blogs and media. Maybe one of our Australian Predikians can help?

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    Which political party will win the 2014 Australian Federal election?
    Which political party will win the 2013 Australian Federal election?
    Judgement rule
    Specifically; from which party will the government be formed, and have its leader appointed as Prime Minister.

    Question type
    Unordered alternatives
    • (20.00%) Australian Labor Party
    • (20.00%) Liberal Party of Australia
    • (20.00%) National Party of Australia
    • (20.00%) Australian Greens
    • (20.00%) Other Party
    Time zone
    Reference date:
    2013/09/14 18:00
    Result expected on
    2013/09/15 12:00
    Trading session (optional):