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Transactions by Carl Utt

Amounts in Credits
Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % P&L (in Credits)
Total 361.58 9,638.42 -10,000.00
2017/05/24 10:17:08   T No, 50 to 100% 10,000.00 - 25,718.78 38.88 -10,000.00
2017/05/26 09:21:26   T No, 50 to 100% -9,032.02 - -25,718.78 35.12 +9,032.02
2017/06/30 09:39:49   T Yes, 100 to 200% - 9,032.02 -23,891.92 62.20 -9,032.02
2017/07/21 09:25:59   T Yes, 100 to 200% - -15,609.72 23,891.92 34.67 +15,609.72
2017/07/21 09:31:47   T No, 50 to 100% 5,417.00 - 8,603.51 62.96 -5,417.00
2017/07/28 11:16:37   T Yes, 100 to 200% - 10,192.72 -15,378.21 33.72 -10,192.72
2017/08/02 10:48:09   T No, 50 to 100% -6,023.40 - -8,603.51 70.01 +6,023.40
2017/08/02 10:48:13   T Yes, 100 to 200% - -10,430.61 15,378.21 32.17 +10,430.61
2017/08/02 10:56:58   T Yes, 100 to 200% - 6,262.00 -9,327.71 32.87 -6,262.00
2017/08/09 10:48:23   T Yes, 100 to 200% - -6,210.37 9,327.71 33.42 +6,210.37
2017/08/09 10:52:48   T No, 50 to 100% - 16,402.38 -40,911.79 59.91 -16,402.38
2018/01/04 12:23:21   S No, 50 to 100% - 0.00 40,911.79 100.00 +0.00
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement