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Will a government or a major US corporation successfully launch an own cryptocurrency during 2020? Who will be first?

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§ Judgement rule
For purposes of this questions "Government "means the a sovereign country which is a member of the United Nations. "Major US Company" means any component company of either the Dow 30 or the NASDAQ 100 index. "Successful launch" means that at least 51% of consensus influence must rest with outside parties.
Reference date: Dec. 31, 2020, 24:00 UTC
  • Hubertus Hofkirchner, Chief Futurist
    Proposed result 1 accepted on 2021/01/07 13:47:15

    Proposed result:
    Trading cut-off:
    2020/12/31 18:00:00
    There is no report of either a government not a major corporation launching during 2020. Facebook may launch in early 2021 but it is highly debatable if a dollar-"backed" currenty is really an "own" one. ...more
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