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Will the "Lockdown" quarantine policy of China in Q1 2020 turn out to be effective?

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  • Hubertus Hofkirchner, Chief Futurist
    New question proposed accepted on 2020/03/16 04:07:02
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    Will the "Lockdown" quarantine policy of China in Q1 2020 turn out to be effective?
    Judgement rule
    The question will be judged at year end 2020:
    "Success", if the number of new deaths subsequent to China's declaration of victory on 10 March 2020 remains below the number of recorded deaths before that date.
    "Partially successful" if the number is exceeded but below the next level
    "Probably ineffective" if the numbers of deaths per 100.000 reach 50% of that in "Herd Immunisation"countries already in 2020.
    "Ineffective" if the numbers of deaths per 100.000 exceed that in "Herd Immunisation"countries already in 2020.
    Question type
    Ordered answer scale
    • 1. (25.00%) Ineffective policy
    • 2. (25.00%) Probably ineffective
    • 3. (25.00%) Partially successful
    • 4. (25.00%) Successful policy
    Time zone
    Reference date:
    2020/12/31 24:00
    Result expected on
    2020/12/31 24:00
    Trading session (optional):