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Equal opportunity: Will the share of women in market research being ESOMAR members rise or fall by 2020?

Transaction logbook for Günther Fädler

Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % Action IP (masked)
2016/10/26 04:37:02 T 39 - 42% -9,999.99 - 44,780.99 22.33 Sold NPMi576S
2016/10/26 04:34:54 T 39 - 42% 9,999.99 - 44,780.99 22.33 Bought NPMi576S
2016/10/26 04:33:43 T 30 - 33% - -7,001.34 -7,556.71 7.35 Sold NPMi576S
2016/10/26 04:33:41 T Up to 30% - -2,998.65 -3,228.35 7.12 Sold NPMi576S
2016/10/10 05:02:28 T 30 - 33% - 7,000.00 7,556.71 7.37 Bought XQSFv45d
2016/10/10 05:02:19 T Up to 30% - 3,000.00 3,228.35 7.07 Bought XQSFv45d
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement