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Analyse (quantitative)
Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % Action User IP (masked)
2016/12/13 13:41:59 T go on the run -855.77 - 2,968.94 28.82 Sold Günther Fädler zgehbtho
2016/12/13 13:41:56 T stay the course until verdict is read at end of trial -1,289.73 - 2,999.89 42.99 Sold Günther Fädler zgehbtho
2014/08/13 10:55:05 T stay the course until verdict is read at end of trial 5,000.00 - 11,949.19 41.84 Bought Lucie P. Zemann iPawT9de
2014/08/12 15:14:28 T stay the course until verdict is read at end of trial 10,000.00 - 27,055.56 36.96 Bought Mickey Pierce DbOfx854
2014/04/17 00:09:52 T stay the course until verdict is read at end of trial 1,000.00 - 2,999.89 33.33 Bought Günther Fädler xzbeAb4O
2014/04/17 00:09:41 T go on the run 1,000.00 - 2,968.94 33.68 Bought Günther Fädler xzbeAb4O
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement
Timestamp take his own life go on the run stay the course until verdict is read at end of trial
2016/12/13 13:41:59 28.50 28.50 42.99
2016/12/13 13:41:56 28.25 29.15 42.61
2014/08/13 10:55:05 27.87 28.75 43.38
2014/08/12 15:14:28 29.37 30.31 40.32
2014/04/17 00:09:52 32.64 33.68 33.69
2014/04/17 00:09:41 32.98 34.03 32.98
2014/04/17 00:08:53 33.33 33.33 33.33