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What price will the base model Google Glass retail for in USD?

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  • Modification proposal 2 accepted on 2013/05/01 11:13:44

    Added clarity around the currency to be used.

    • Hubertus Hofkirchner, Chief Futurist

      I assume that there will be some sort of official retail price set by Google itself.

    • Shaun Esther
      Topic Management

      This assumes Google will be selling the product directly at launch. (As per Nexus devices.)
      If not we will go off whatever price they state in an announcement.

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    What price will Google Glass retail for?
    What price will the base model Google Glass retail for in USD?
    Judgement rule
    At the time of the announcement of retail availability, the price of the lowest tier model available in the US will be used.
    At the time of the announcement of retail availability, the price (USD) of the lowest tier model available in the US will be used.
    Question type
    Ordered answer scale
    • 1. $1000 or greater (20.00%) $1000 USD or greater
    • 2. $750 to $999 (20.00%) $750 to $999 USD
    • 3. $500 to $749 (20.00%) $500 to $749 USD
    • 4. $250 to $499 (20.00%) $250 to $499 USD
    • 5. Less than $250 (20.00%) Less than $250 USD
    Time zone
    Reference date:
    2013/12/31 23:59
    Result expected on
    2013/05/15 09:00
    Trading session (optional):