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What relationship will the UK and the EU agree after the Brexit?

Transaction logbook for Daniel R.

Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % Action IP (masked)
2019/04/16 23:43:01 S UK withdraws from withdrawal 0.00 - -141,708.38 0.00 Final settlement
2019/04/16 23:43:01 R Extension of UK/EU negotiations -4,000.00 - -10,828.52 36.94 Reversed purchase 0662cbda
2019/03/29 17:09:19 T Extension of UK/EU negotiations 4,000.00 - 10,828.52 36.94 Bought 0662cbda
2019/04/16 23:43:01 R No agreement about a special relationship -5,000.00 - -122,279.82 4.09 Reversed purchase 0662cbda
2019/03/29 17:08:47 T No agreement about a special relationship 5,000.00 - 122,279.82 4.09 Bought 0662cbda
2019/04/16 23:43:01 R UK withdraws from withdrawal 9,000.00 - -103,751.69 8.67 Reversal sale 0662cbda
2019/03/29 17:08:28 T UK withdraws from withdrawal -9,000.00 - 103,751.69 8.67 Sold 0662cbda
2019/04/16 23:43:01 R Bilateral agreements between UK and EU - -6,991.43 -12,651.22 44.74 Reversed purchase 0662cbda
2019/03/29 17:07:55 T Bilateral agreements between UK and EU - 6,991.43 12,651.22 44.74 Bought 0662cbda
2018/12/18 05:31:32 T No agreement about a special relationship -2,252.35 - 37,736.70 5.97 Sold 055efc92
2018/12/16 04:22:31 T No agreement about a special relationship -3,513.68 - 36,949.10 9.51 Sold 055efc92
2018/12/10 13:48:57 T UK withdraws from withdrawal 5,000.00 - 141,708.38 3.53 Bought 055efc92
2018/11/24 02:52:44 T UK joins European Economic Area -3,861.26 - 69,908.49 5.52 Sold 89b34720
2018/11/24 02:51:15 T Bilateral agreements between UK and EU - -2,364.12 -9,167.62 74.21 Sold 89b34720
2017/12/21 05:32:37 T UK joins European Economic Area 10,284.34 - 69,908.49 14.71 Bought 0597e743
2017/12/21 05:32:15 T Bilateral agreements between UK and EU - 5,000.00 9,167.62 45.46 Bought 0597e743
2017/12/21 05:32:05 T UK joins European Economic Area -4,158.17 - 34,949.19 11.90 Sold 0597e743
2017/12/20 19:44:55 T No agreement about a special relationship 317.25 - 40,299.81 0.79 Bought 94bfedd9
2017/11/07 15:19:27 T No agreement about a special relationship 1,000.00 - 34,385.99 2.91 Bought 0662436f
2017/10/16 14:04:02 T UK joins European Economic Area 7,999.99 - 27,178.08 29.44 Bought 9f49c44d
2017/10/16 14:03:26 T UK joins European Economic Area -7,439.01 - 25,439.33 29.24 Sold 9f49c44d
2017/10/09 05:51:04 T Extension of UK/EU negotiations -1,495.17 - 15,131.37 9.88 Sold 04602bf5
2017/10/09 03:14:45 T No agreement about a special relationship -5,532.86 - 57,159.88 9.68 Sold 04602bf5
2017/09/28 13:52:01 T Extension of UK/EU negotiations 2,500.00 - 15,131.37 16.52 Bought 055efd58
2017/09/09 17:13:48 T UK withdraws from withdrawal -1,476.37 - 9,978.12 14.80 Sold 055ef931
2017/09/03 05:12:05 T UK withdraws from withdrawal 1,000.00 - 9,978.12 10.02 Bought v#9mGdPN
2017/09/03 05:09:58 T UK joins European Economic Area 1,000.00 - 33,210.44 3.01 Bought v#9mGdPN
2017/09/03 05:09:45 T No agreement about a special relationship 1,000.00 - 57,159.88 1.75 Bought v#9mGdPN
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement