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What relationship will the UK and the EU agree after the Brexit?

Transaction logbook for 若其 章

Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % Action IP (masked)
2019/04/16 23:43:01 S Extension of UK/EU negotiations -12,831.68 - -12,831.68 100.00 Final settlement
2019/04/16 23:43:01 S Bilateral agreements between UK and EU 0.00 - -11,833.15 0.00 Final settlement
2019/04/16 23:43:01 S UK joins European Economic Area 0.00 - -5,547.62 0.00 Final settlement
2017/12/25 19:05:56 T UK joins European Economic Area 840.39 - 5,547.62 15.15 Bought b8e3552
2017/12/25 19:05:52 T Bilateral agreements between UK and EU 1,159.61 - 2,231.35 51.97 Bought b8e3552
2017/12/25 19:05:48 T UK joins European Economic Area -2,000.00 - 12,633.91 15.83 Sold b8e3552
2017/12/25 19:05:26 T UK joins European Economic Area 2,000.00 - 12,633.91 15.83 Bought b8e3552
2017/12/25 19:05:12 T Extension of UK/EU negotiations 3,000.00 - 12,831.68 23.38 Bought b8e3552
2017/12/25 19:05:07 T Bilateral agreements between UK and EU 5,000.00 - 9,601.80 52.07 Bought b8e3552
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement