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Which of these brands of shampoo will have the highest user satisfaction in the 2013 study?

Transaction logbook for Jayme Mercer

Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % Action IP (masked)
2014/01/11 05:05:18 S Another brand not on this list -4.68 - -4.68 100.00 Final settlement
2014/01/11 05:05:17 S L'Oreal 0.00 - -97.14 0.00 Final settlement
2014/01/11 05:05:17 S Herbal Essences - -8.76 -8.76 0.00 Final settlement
2014/01/11 05:05:15 S Aussie - -14.97 -14.97 0.00 Final settlement
2014/01/11 05:05:10 S Alberto Balsam - -1.02 -1.02 0.00 Final settlement
2013/12/18 21:56:08 T L'Oreal 26.00 - 97.14 26.77 Bought gF2otKCd
2013/12/18 21:55:51 T Herbal Essences - 8.00 8.76 8.65 Bought gF2otKCd
2013/12/18 21:55:19 T Aussie - 13.00 14.97 13.18 Bought gF2otKCd
2013/12/18 21:55:05 T Alberto Balsam - 1.00 1.02 2.24 Bought gF2otKCd
2013/12/18 21:54:49 T Another brand not on this list 1.00 - 4.68 21.37 Bought gF2otKCd
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement