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Transactions by Günther Fädler

Amounts in Credits
Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % P&L (in Credits)
Total -14,590.45 0.00 +14,590.45
2014/08/13 05:32:11   T It will attempt to cross but will be stopped by force 1,000.00 - 2,972.02 33.65 -1,000.00
2014/08/13 05:32:35   T No it will not cross without Ok from Ukrainian government 1,000.00 - 2,993.68 33.40 -1,000.00
2014/08/14 06:43:46   T No it will not cross without Ok from Ukrainian government -1,264.83 - -2,993.68 42.25 +1,264.83
2014/08/14 06:43:48   T It will attempt to cross but will be stopped by force -781.97 - -2,972.02 26.31 +781.97
2014/08/14 09:35:35   T No it will not cross without Ok from Ukrainian government 2,500.00 - 5,819.11 42.96 -2,500.00
2014/08/21 03:01:08   T No it will not cross without Ok from Ukrainian government 2,000.01 - 4,139.52 48.32 -2,000.01
2014/08/21 03:01:22   T No it will not cross without Ok from Ukrainian government 1,000.00 - 2,035.52 49.13 -1,000.00
2014/08/22 08:04:28   T No it will not cross without Ok from Ukrainian government -5,526.95 - -11,994.15 46.08 +5,526.95
2014/08/22 08:04:42   T Yes it will cross without permission 10,073.74 - 24,590.45 40.97 -10,073.74
2014/08/28 03:09:24   S Yes it will cross without permission -24,590.45 - -24,590.45 100.00 +24,590.45
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement