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Transactions by Mickey Pierce

Amounts in Credits
Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % P&L (in Credits)
Total -8,769.17 -4,432.80 +13,201.97
2014/08/13 06:08:26   T Yes it will cross without permission 10,000.00 - 27,833.91 35.93 -10,000.00
2014/08/13 09:28:50   T Yes it will cross without permission -9,460.36 - -27,833.91 33.99 +9,460.36
2014/08/13 09:28:50   T Yes it will cross without permission - 5,000.00 -7,139.01 29.96 -5,000.00
2014/08/13 09:29:29   T No it will not cross without Ok from Ukrainian government 4,460.36 - 11,214.01 39.77 -4,460.36
2014/08/14 03:47:16   T Yes it will cross without permission - -5,447.53 7,139.01 23.69 +5,447.53
2014/08/14 03:47:16   T Yes it will cross without permission 5,000.00 - 19,020.48 26.29 -5,000.00
2014/08/14 03:47:50   T No it will not cross without Ok from Ukrainian government -5,204.20 - -11,214.01 46.41 +5,204.20
2014/08/14 03:47:50   T No it will not cross without Ok from Ukrainian government - 5,000.00 -8,894.57 43.79 -5,000.00
2014/08/14 19:04:33   T It will attempt to cross but will be stopped by force 651.73 - 2,547.08 25.59 -651.73
2014/08/15 07:37:00   T No it will not cross without Ok from Ukrainian government - -4,930.22 8,894.57 44.57 +4,930.22
2014/08/15 07:37:00   T No it will not cross without Ok from Ukrainian government 4,930.22 - 10,467.15 47.10 -4,930.22
2014/08/16 02:40:29   T No it will not cross without Ok from Ukrainian government -4,930.22 - -10,467.15 47.10 +4,930.22
2014/08/16 02:40:29   T No it will not cross without Ok from Ukrainian government - 4,000.00 -7,244.40 44.78 -4,000.00
2014/08/16 02:41:02   T Yes it will cross without permission -5,409.81 - -19,020.48 28.44 +5,409.81
2014/08/16 02:41:02   T Yes it will cross without permission - 4,000.00 -5,397.06 25.89 -4,000.00
2014/08/16 02:41:20   T It will attempt to cross but will be stopped by force -695.05 - -2,547.08 27.29 +695.05
2014/08/16 02:41:20   T It will attempt to cross but will be stopped by force - 3,035.08 -4,134.76 26.60 -3,035.08
2014/08/16 02:41:37   T No it will not cross without Ok from Ukrainian government - -3,697.91 7,244.40 48.95 +3,697.91
2014/08/16 02:41:37   T No it will not cross without Ok from Ukrainian government 3,697.91 - 7,269.92 50.87 -3,697.91
2014/08/22 07:17:53   T Yes it will cross without permission - -3,788.10 5,397.06 29.81 +3,788.10
2014/08/22 07:17:53   T Yes it will cross without permission 3,788.10 - 11,927.37 31.76 -3,788.10
2014/08/22 07:18:26   T No it will not cross without Ok from Ukrainian government -3,670.48 - -7,269.92 50.49 +3,670.48
2014/08/22 07:18:26   T No it will not cross without Ok from Ukrainian government - 3,670.48 -7,139.84 48.59 -3,670.48
2014/08/28 03:09:24   S Yes it will cross without permission -11,927.37 - -11,927.37 100.00 +11,927.37
2014/08/28 03:09:24   S It will attempt to cross but will be stopped by force - -4,134.76 4,134.76 0.00 +4,134.76
2014/08/28 03:09:24   S No it will not cross without Ok from Ukrainian government - -7,139.84 7,139.84 0.00 +7,139.84
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement