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"The Bout" - Dan O'Dowd against Elon Musk: Will a self-driving Tesla run down a child?

  • … On 9 August 2022, California Senate candidate Dan O’Dowd launched his campaign with an unorthodox political campaign against Tesla's cars, equipped with a self-driving capability in Beta version …
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  • …  of each message or comment, thus expressing assent or dissent with an information or opinion. Please be polite and explain yourself when rating someone's comment negatively. Follow -- By following …
  • How many GOP 2024 Presidential debates will Donald Trump participate in by the end of the semester?

  • … . per PBS Short 2 = arbitrage https://twitter.com/abc/status/1703891116175577107?s=46&t=0MtGnwgxCOXbn53OrGgJLQ https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/25/us/politics/next-debate-candidates-qualify.html  …
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    Wird der Euroraum bis 2030 eine Hyperinflation erleben?

  • …  weiter an: https://orf.at/stories/3268701/ The dilemma with the predictably coming inflation spiral lies in the political sphere. The past two years have created a significant differential: less goods …
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    What Percentage of Predictions Fail?

  • …  act on forecasts, implying that bad forecasts will cause bad decisions. However, politicians (including top managers in corporate politics) often work the other way round. Let’s assume that a fictitious …
  • Who do you believe will be chosen as the next Mayor of London by the election in May 2016?

  • …  (UKIP) Other A tip to the anonymous questioner: The next step to get a good prediction would be to organise a panel of at least 20-30 people interested or knowledgeable in London politics. PS …
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    When will the total number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) cross 1 million?

  • … ) Given the radical measures by political leaders everywhere, COVID-19 will not even reach the number of annual influenza deaths. Hello Harald! I have supported your question. Next step: you need to find …
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    Join the market talk

  • …  by pressing "+" or "-". You will earn +1 credits when you rate messages. The author will see who rated his comment. Be polite If you rate another user's comment negatively, politeness …
  • The Dangerous Path from Fake News

  • … . Tellingly, Millennials prefers their political news served as comedy formats like the Colbert Report and the Daily Show. The Road to Oppression The Chinese and North Korean governments, amongst others, have …
  • Wer bekommt mehr Stimmen bei der Nationalratswahl: Die Grünen oder die Liste von Peter Pilz?

  • …  Parteibasis als schlecht behandelt und parteilos präsentieren, was das wachsende Sentiment der Bevölkerung gegen die Polit-Eliten und das Parteisystem punktgenau trifft. Hingegen sind die Grünen durch glücklose …
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    Confidential results hidden from view