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Will the majority of Australians vote in favor of same-sex marriage in the upcoming ballot?

  • …  they? world is accepting it all over I think that not, many people will be aware of the "impact" for that. we must be see later... It so insane to married the same gender but look for their society …
  • USD 0.00

    Wird der Euroraum bis 2030 eine Hyperinflation erleben?

  • …  of living with increasing salaries. Individually this makes sense. 2. Political support and ignorance of economic laws in the larger society will result in acceptance of these individual hikes. 3 …
  • USD 0.00

    Which industry will the world's first trillionaire emerge from, and why?

  • …  and the tech is patented, the safe bet is hardware and software. finance is needed in all sectors software or hardware has high performance now days Technology is only going up in society and prices …
  • USD 0.00

    Will global warming reach +1.5°C by 2030, and why?

  • …  because of the human society and nature. Humans have only moved the global warming process closer to happening sooner. Downvoted. Just writing "prediction" is no valid argument …
  • USD 10.00
    Confidential results hidden from view