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Swiss Democracy Needs to Catch Up to Internet Age

  • …  think and want. Some tools they use, however, are getting outdated. For more reliable and accurate results, Switzerland should embrace innovation and the internet. The Swiss government really cares about …
  • Public question

  • … Public questions are free (you are free to provide an incentive for participants). All internet users can see them - even when logged out - and participate after login. Use them for non-sensitive …
  • Our products and services

  • … Prediki in the cloud You may simply use Prediki on the internet, for both public as well as confidential questions. Our cloud-service is suited for companies and organisations of all sizes …
  • Zukunftsforschung: Prognosemärkte gegen Delphi Methode

  • …  Frühzeit des Internet, bei der Siemens AG in Wien und bei Hewlett-Packard in Kalifornien angewandt wurden,. Die Delphi-Methode bedient sich einer Gruppe von Experten, die in einem iterativen …
  • The Morphing State of Television s Political Predictions in Online News Links

  • … , has received a serious update. Orwellian "Cut'n Paste" would look very different today. More by the Author: Swiss Democracy Needs to Catch Up to Internet Age Liar, Liar: Who Still …
  • Project Management by Predictions - A First Experiment

  • …  by Hubertus Hofkirchner -- Vienna, 04 Oct 2013 As information technology is becoming more and more strategic in the age of the internet, companies are increasingly impacted by their ability …
  • Unsere Produkte und Services

  • … Prediki in der Cloud Sie können Prediki ganz einfach im Internet nutzen, sowohl für öffentliche als auch für vertrauliche Fragen. Unser Cloud-Dienst ist für Unternehmen und Organisationen aller …
  • Futurist's Tools: Prediction Markets vs. Delphi Method

  • … ’s, concurrent with the dawn of the internet age. Delphi is in essence a group of experts with different perspectives doing iterative rounds of questionnaires asking for their strategic forecasts …
  • Bayesian Relief

  • … . Consider a stock exchange where a strictly vegetarian trader may perfectly well trade with success in pork belly futures. 5. Democratisation -- As with all things internet, online markets facilitate …
  • Управление путем прогнозов

  • …  integrates quantitative and qualitative research. You can glean the reasons behind numbers, and put a number on respondents' reasoning. Read more... Swiss Democracy Needs to Catch Up to Internet Age …
  • Trading Data Agreement

  • …  to TV or radio broadcasts, computer networks, deep hyperlinking or framing on the Internet except as provided for in the limited licence under clause 2. restrict or inhibit any other user from using …
  • Response Fraud in Market Research: How Bad is it?

  • …  family members on a home network have the same IP address, not to mention tethering, Internet cafes or public hotspots. So, how many users with the same IP address should a provider allow? Further …
  • An Urgent Warning for Bill Gates

  • …  of Prediki Prediction Services and a confessed prediction market evangelist. Important note to WHO researchers: He is NOT an “influencer”. Read on: Swiss Democracy Needs to Catch Up to Internet Age Tapping …
  • Futility A New Antidote Against Response Fraud

  • …  to Internet Age Tapping Crowd Intelligence For Advert Efficiency Testing Liar, Liar: Who still believes in surveys? Back to the Management by Predictions Blog Follow this blog for more stories, new case …
  • Corporate Innovators' Risk Reward Dilemma

  • …  Hofkirchner is Chief Futurist of Prediki Prediction Services and a confessed prediction market evangelist. He likes both, risks and rewards. More by the Author: Swiss Democracy Needs to Catch Up to Internet Age …
  • Gestão por Previsões (Blog Prediki)

  • … ... A Necessidade de Atualização da Democracia Suíça à Era da Internet Viena, 22 de agosto de 2015 Como uma democracia direta, o governo suíço emprega diversas ferramentas para obter a opinião pública. Algumas dessas …
  • Management by Predictions (Prediki Blog)

  • …  degli intervistati. Leggi di più... La democrazia svizzera ha bisogno di stare al passo con l'Era di Internet Vienna, 22 agosto 2015 In quanto democrazia diretta, il governo svizzero utilizza molti …
  • Conditions d’Utilisation

  • …  qui permet aux Utilisateurs de se connecter, de communiquer, et d’échanger ; et qui permet aussi de faciliter les échanges commerciaux entre les Utilisateurs. Site : notre site internet disponible à …
  • Administración por Predicciones (Blog de Prediki)

  • … . Leer más… La Democracia Suiza Necesita Ponerse Al Día con la Era de Internet Viena, 22 de agosto de 2015 Como democracia directa, el gobierno suizo emplea muchas herramientas para encontrar la opinión …
  • Management by Predictions (Prediki Blog in English)

  • …  integrates quantitative and qualitative research. You can glean the reasons behind numbers, and put a number on respondents' reasoning. Read more... Swiss Democracy Needs to Catch Up to Internet Age …
  • Confidential results hidden from view