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Will Donald Trump be a good President, and why?

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  2. Read the background information carefully, before proceeding.

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Trump meets Obama - Copyright: Wikipedia: Jesusemen Oni / VOA Public Domain

Indicator of Presidential Quality

The most accessible indicator of a presidential standing of 12 prior presidents is Gallup's approval/disapproval survey. [1] ThE table below shows the latest approval rating at the end of the first term, for Lyndon Johnson after 1400 days in office.

Table: Presidential Approval Score At the End of Their First Term (Sorted)

RankPresidentStartFinal ApprovalAverage
1Dwight Eisenhower19537970
2Ronald Reagan19816250
3Richard Nixon19695956
4John Kennedy19615870
5Bill Clinton19935850
6Harry Truman19455756
7George W. Bush20015362
8Gerald Ford19745347
9Barack Obama20095148
10George H.W. Bush19894961
11Lyndon Johnson19634174
12Jimmy Carter19773146

The re-election campaign gives most incumbent presidents some uplift around the end of the first term. Gallup's time series chart is recommended reading to understand these dynamics. [2]


Approval Ratings of U.S. Presidents - Copyright: Prediki / Gallup Data

External sources

  1. http://www.gallup.com/poll/116677/Presidential-Approval-Ratings-Gallup-Historical-Statistics-Trends.aspx
  2. http://www.gallup.com/interactives/185273/presidential-job-approval-center.aspx