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    Felicia Justice

  • … Felicia Justice  …
  • 0.00 Expertise

    Who will win the SEC's lawsuit against Ripple Labs?

  • … Crypto Market Predictions 2021 Justice  …
  • USD 20.00

    Accord de Confidentialité

  • …  d’ajout dans le cadre de travaux dérivés. § 4. DIVULGATION L’Utilisateur invité peut divulguer les Contenus Confidentiels liés à une Question Privée si cela lui est demandé par une cour de justice ou tout …
  • Politique de confidentialité

  • …  poursuivre en justice si elle devait porter préjudice à nos droits, à notre société, à notre propriété, aux utilisateurs ou à quiconque pouvant souffrir de la situation concernée, de quelque manière que ce …
  • What will the court rule in the case of Oscar Pistorius, the Blade Runner, who shot and killed his ...

  • …  on the fence, with some shouting especially loudly for both sides, however it will be interesting to see how this plays out given the mountain of evidence against Pistorius but still one can hope that justice …
  • USD 100.00

    Conditions d’Utilisation

  • …  manipulation par un Utilisateur ; À notre seule discrétion, interdire, refuser, annuler, désactiver ou restreindre l'accès des Utilisateurs qui violent ces Conditions ; Intenter une action en justice à …
  • Will Donald Trump be a good President, and why?

  • The question shall be judged by the final - i.e. not the average - approval rating of Donald Trump as determined by the combined approval rating of FiveThirtyEight at the end of his first presidency term, expected to finish in January 2021. If Donald Trump's presidency ends earlier, it shall be the last rating prior to this. Here is to the source: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/ If Donald Trump's final approval rating puts him among the top 3 (1-3) presidents since Harry Truman the questions shall be judged "Very Good", a lower top 5 rank (4-5) is "Good". A place among the bottom 3 (11-13) shall make him "Very bad", a better bottom 5 rank (9-10) is just "Bad". A rank from 6-8 will be judged as "Average". Note: The Gallup source originally defined for this question's judgement could be biased and will not be used: http://www.gallup.com/poll/116677/Presidential-Approval-Ratings-Gallup-Historical-Statistics-Trends.aspx
  • USD 100.00
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