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Will Ohio Issue 1 pass on 7 November 2023?

  • … Background: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/November_2023_Ohio_Issue_1 https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/politics/2023/11/02/election-2023-what-you-need-to-know-about-ohio-issues-1-and-2/71381966007/  …
  • USD 0.00

    How will Supreme Court Job approval change in 2019?

  • …  opinion polls than the many other major American institutions. Political institutions of the USA This question will be part of a series looking at trends in how Americans view their major political …
  • USD 0.00

    How many members will New Demarchy have in the end of 2016?

  • …  I have no knowledge here, either, so our trades will not generate much insight. Maybe we can find some experts on political party recruiting or activist knowow? No real sense of this. Or rather …
  • USD 10.00

    Will Elon Musk be elected as US president and when?

  • … ) If. I thik he is smart when it comes to business, not politics, seems like you are only good at one or the other. Also his personality doesn't seem fitting for a president. Elon Musk personally …
  • USD 0.00

    Will income inequality increase in Europe in 2013?

  • …  government polices absolutely yes and the politics don't understand that I believe they do understand, because it's rather obvious. What they don't understand is that economics is a bit more …
  • USD 100.00

    Will UKIP get the biggest share of votes in the MEP election?

  • … The question will be judged with the rank of the UK Independence Party amongst other UK political parties according to official European Parliament elections result publications. (#EP2014) Biggest …
  • USD 0.00

    Will Ethereum overtake Bitcoin in 2017 at least on one day, and by how much?

  • …  more important than any advantage resulting from using ethereum (or not). Usability is still "suboptimal" (saying it politely) even for Bitcoin, so I have little confidence …
  • USD 50.00

    "The Bout" - Dan O'Dowd against Elon Musk: Will a self-driving Tesla run down a child?

  • … On 9 August 2022, California Senate candidate Dan O’Dowd launched his campaign with an unorthodox political campaign against Tesla's cars, equipped with a self-driving capability in Beta version …
  • USD 0.00

    How many GOP 2024 Presidential debates will Donald Trump participate in by the end of the semester?

  • … . per PBS Short 2 = arbitrage https://twitter.com/abc/status/1703891116175577107?s=46&t=0MtGnwgxCOXbn53OrGgJLQ https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/25/us/politics/next-debate-candidates-qualify.html  …
  • USD 0.00

    Wird der Euroraum bis 2030 eine Hyperinflation erleben?

  • …  weiter an: https://orf.at/stories/3268701/ The dilemma with the predictably coming inflation spiral lies in the political sphere. The past two years have created a significant differential: less goods …
  • USD 0.00

    Who do you believe will be chosen as the next Mayor of London by the election in May 2016?

  • …  (UKIP) Other A tip to the anonymous questioner: The next step to get a good prediction would be to organise a panel of at least 20-30 people interested or knowledgeable in London politics. PS …
  • USD 0.00

    When will the total number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) cross 1 million?

  • … ) Given the radical measures by political leaders everywhere, COVID-19 will not even reach the number of annual influenza deaths. Hello Harald! I have supported your question. Next step: you need to find …
  • USD 0.00

    Wer bekommt mehr Stimmen bei der Nationalratswahl: Die Grünen oder die Liste von Peter Pilz?

  • …  Parteibasis als schlecht behandelt und parteilos präsentieren, was das wachsende Sentiment der Bevölkerung gegen die Polit-Eliten und das Parteisystem punktgenau trifft. Hingegen sind die Grünen durch glücklose …
  • USD 20.00

    When will the UK declare the Brexit?

  • …  doable. The EU's actions push for a earlier notification - no substantive work can be done until we notify so earlier is better. Mid 2016 Honestly not. Because just as the experience of political …
  • USD 20.00

    Clinton: What percentage of delegates will nominate Hillary Clinton at the 2016 Democratic National...

  • …  in this, haha. Surely Hillary will win I Agree With her long history in politics she has the upper hand 50-60% votes Well, you are all-in on 40-50%. Is that winning? I think Hilary will win at least 70 …
  • USD 20.03

    Cruz: What percentage of delegates will nominate Ted Cruz at the 2016 Republican National Conventio...

  • …  by way of action or past scandal, Republican delegates will come to their senses and back Cruz as their strongest POLITICAL candidate not their most popular mouthpiece. (Trump) 40-50% it's moderate …
  • USD 20.08

    Which republican candidate will rank highest in economic competence?

  • …  because he is stupid. We have the best chance of getting something going in the economy if we have a non-political person who knows money and business. Trump trump I have to believe Trump is the only one …
  • USD 20.14

    Which democratic candidate will Americans regard as the best leader?

  • …  disagreed with Sandy without giving a reason. In general, it seems a valid argument as described in "The Power of Incumbency": https://www.boundless.com/political-science/textbooks/boundless …
  • USD 20.11

    Which democratic candidate will be considered as most trustworthy by Americans?

  • …  thrown up roadblock after roadblock. I want someone to stop being politically correct and kick some butt so something gets accomplished. He can be tactful when needed and a cranky old man when needed …
  • USD 20.15

    Trump: What percentage of delegates will nominate Donald Trump at the 2016 Republican National Conv...

  • …  politician's good-ol-boy attitude and are out of the loop with the rest of us. Trump is popular because he bucks the system and people are tired of the same old crap from our political "leaders." …
  • USD 20.07
    Confidential results hidden from view